I can't believe how fast time flies! Before signing up for the Peace Corps, I remember that one hesitation I had was about the time commitment. Could I really be away for 2 years? Now that I have been here for a year (though only 10 months in site, which means that I will be here for another year and 2 months) the two-year commitment seems not that big. And I begin to wonder if it is enough to complete all that I am doing in my community.
During training, everyone always said that the Peace Corps is a two-year program because they have found that development workers need at least that long to see progress in their work. I totally agree with that finding. After nine months in my community, things are just now really starting to pick up. This week I have a meeting every day of the week!
So I begin thinking, what did I do in my first 9 months here? The answer is: getting to know the community, its members and groups, and figuring out its needs. I guess it has taken me this long to feel really comfortable in the community and to figure out the different group dynamics etc. This past 9 months consisted of a lot of cafecitos while visiting the different houses, lots of sitting in on meetings of the community groups, and also lots of reading in my house.
I am excited about all the upcoming activities/projects in the year to come! Here are some things I will be working on:
Building a park and playground
Forming a Women's group
Teaching English in the elementary school
Working with the Junta de Educacion (School Board) to improve the school and maybe build a kindergarten classroom
Helping with the accounting and organization of the community bank
Helping out with the new night high school
Starting a community garden at the school
And who knows what else might come up!
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